• • • Filters
The air from your room passes through the three filters, each capturing
a specific set of pollutants. These should be replaced when prompted,
placing the tag facing out as you install in the following order.
Pre-screen filter
Uses a micron mesh to block particles down to
2.5mm. This acts as a shield which can be easily
cleaned, prolonging the life of the three main filters.
Photo catalyst filter
A large photo catalyst honeycomb lattice acts like
tiny mirrors for the Ozone safe UV-C lights, giving full
coverage. This filter destroys bacteria and viruses.
Did you know:
The photo catalyst and pre-screen filters are designed
to last a lifetime so they do not need to be replaced. The pre-screen
filter can be easily vacuumed when required.
True HEPA filter
The ‘High-Efficiency Particulate Air’ captures particles
as small as 0.3 microns.
Active carbon filter
Ultra porous activated carbon granules absorb
harmful chemicals, gases and odours.