In certain instances, during normal operation, the instrument briefly displays
a row of dashes across the display.
This indicates that either the instrument is performing an auto-ranging
function, or the sample has a substantial amount of bubbles. If the dashes
remain for an extended period of time please ensure that the sample does
not have a large amount of bubbles present; if there are not bubbles present,
please contact the distributor for further assistance and guidance (refer to
section 5.2).
3.1 Routine Measurement
The CyberScan IR TB100 measures and reports the turbidity of a sample in
Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU’s).
Note: Nephelometric turbidity units (NTU’s) are numerically equivalent to
Formazin turbidity units (FTU’s) (See Glossary).
Turn on the instrument by pressing the
button continuously for 1
second. Allow one and a half minutes warm-up period while preparing for
the turbidity measurement as described in the following steps:
1. Sample approximately 100 ml of your process, as you would normally
do for turbidity measurement.
2. Obtain a clean and dry sample cuvette.
3. Rinse the cuvette with approximately 10 ml of the sample water (2/3 of
cuvette volume), capping the cuvette with the black light shield (cuvette
top) and inverting several times. Discard the used sample and repeat the
rinsing procedure two more times.