Eurotramp - Trampoline Kurt Hack GmbH
The athlete performs his routine in state
. The landings are recorded in the table during the routine
). Additionally, the landing positions are shown in the trampoline (
). The measurement is ended after the last
landing or when the athlete interrupts the routine by pressing the spacebar. The software prevents routines with
more than ten elements, hence it is not possible to inadvertently end the routine „too late”.
After the routine, the results are presented in an overview in the state
. It is possible to go back to the
detailed result view by pressing the D key on the keyboard or by clicking the corresponding item in the action bar
(1). Furthermore, it is possible to shorten or lengthen a routine by pressing the up and down arrow keys (2). It is
possible to shift the whole measurement, should it not be aligned correctly to the athlete’s routine (e.g., if it was
started too late). This is done with the left and right arrow keys (3). When all results are correct, they can be con-
firmed by pressing the spacebar (4). Confirmed results can be shown on a second screen in a separate window
and are stored (if configured). Should the results be wrong, they can be dismissed by clicking the button or by
pressing the X key (5). Either confirming or dismissing the results leads to a transition to the
All necessary steps to measure a routine are covered. The next chapters describe advanced functions like confi-
gurations, save-modes and structuring a competition.