ISIS ICE - user manual
Adding GPRS, Wi-Fi and PC104 I/O
To add the optional Wi-Fi, GPRS and PC/104 I/O modules, access to the inside of the enclosure is
required. The following describes how to dismantle the ISIS ICE in order to gain access to the
connection points for these options.
Tools required:
2mm and 2.5mm hexagon key/Allen keys (size measured across the flats).
A Pozidrive screwdriver suitable for M3 Pozidrive screws.
A medium sized flat bladed screwdriver.
Observe antistatic precautions when dismantling the ISIS ICE and when handling the ISIS.
To access the ISIS ICE board assembly, follow these steps:
1. Remove the four bottom M4 dome head hexagon drive fixing screws, two on the front cover and
two on the back cover.
2. Carefully remove the extrusion. (If a hard disk drive has previously been fitted it is recommended
that the complete rear cover is removed before attempting to remove the bottom extrusion.)
This gives complete access to the underside of the ISIS ICE interface PCB:
3. Remove the four remaining M4 fixing screws on the front and rear plate.