B-Channel – Port Association
BRI ISDN Gateway User Guide
Outgoing number
refers to internal telephone numbers (For example, 6001 and 6002). For
each channel that extends to a phone simply mark the check box, as shown in the screen
snapshot above.
This prefixes table is for associating prefix numbers (on the left of the table) of the different GSM
operators to a specific SIM (1, 2, 3, and 4, on the top of the table). A port that associates with
this SIM can generate calls only to GSM numbers having the defined prefixes.
Each prefix has two priorities; the BRI will make the call using the SIM with the highest priority to
that prefix. If the priority is the same for both ports, the BRI will use the port1, if busy then port2.
The prefix table is on the right side of the B-channel/Port window. This table is used to direct
calls (
from the Winner Series BRI Gateway to
GSM networks
) through the appropriate SIM.
For example:
If the GSM network includes telephone numbers that start with 052, then this prefix could be
listed in row 1 of this table, specifying the SIM and the port desired, and the priority.
If the GSM network includes telephone numbers that start with 053 then this prefix could be
listed in row 2 of this table, specifying the SIM and the port desired, and the priority.
In this example a call to the GSM number 0525555555 will go out using SIM 1 and a call to 0535555555
will go out using SIM 2.