00060636.DOC, Version 1.0
Minimum Pentium CPU/ 100 Mhz
VGA graphics card with SVGA resolution (800 X 600, 256 colours)
10 MB available hard disk space
CD-ROM drive (for installation)
Recommended system requirements:
- Min. Pentium 3 processor 1GHz
- 128 MB RAM
Tested operating systems:
-Windows XP Home
-Windows XP Professional
-Windows Vista
-Windows 7
Installation of the drivers
Start up your computer
Close all running applications on your PC.
The next step is to install the USB-DMX512 interface drivers manually.
Download the driver from the internet.
Unpack the inf-file into a folder on your harddrive.
Plug the USB interface cable into the free USB (1.1 or 2.0) connector of your PC.
The windows installation program will ask you for a folder where to find the driver file.
Enter the folder location where you unpacked the driver file.
Press ok and wait until windows will finish the installation process.
The interface is now ready for use.
Power supply:
5 V DC, 500 mA
via USB
USB 1.1 / USB 2.0
DMX output:
512 channels
DMX512 connection:
3-pin XLR
Please note: Every information is subject to change without prior notice. 19.04.2011 ©