Instructions Part Number IN1116 Ed.D8
The ash pit door should be closed before lighting a fire in the stove and it should remain closed whilst the stove is
operating. Opening the ash pit door when the stove is operating may cause flames to be directed fiercely at the
glass and the intense heat will turn the areas of glass hit by the flames, irrevocably, opaquely white.
The stove is capable of continuous operation and if it is being operated continuously it will therefore be necessary
to empty the ash pan whilst the stove has a burning fire. If the ash pit door is to be opened and the ash pan
removed safely the following procedure should be followed.
Allow the fire to burn down as low as practicable and check that no embers will fall from the stove when the
door is opened. Wearing the glove, open the stove door, turn the handle to its closed position, and gently push
the door back until the latch just touches the stove body. Take care to do so gently, especially if your stove is
enamelled. This will let air into the stove above the fire and limit air being drawn in through the grate but prevent
smoke from spilling into the room.
The ash pit door can now be opened and the ash pan removed. The ash pit door must be closed immediately
the ash pan is removed and the stove door must also be closed securely. When re-installing the empty ash pan
the stove door must again be opened before opening the ash pit door. Never open the ash pit door without the
stove door being ajar and never leave either the stove door or the ash pit door open for longer than absolutely
Preparation must be made for the safe handling and disposal of the burning embers in the ash pan before
beginning this operation. Good practice would be to have an empty metal container brought to the stove so the
ash pan can be emptied directly into it.
Never leave the stove unattended without both its doors being securely closed.
Always check, meticulously, that no embers have been spilled whenever any stove door has been opened.
Always use gloves when carrying the ash pan, even when you think the ash is cold.
Do not empty ash into a plastic waste bin or any bin containing combustible waste.
There will be hot embers in the stove, long, even days, after the fire appeared to extinguish. Never clean out
ashes onto paper, never use a plastic bristled brush or a vacuum cleaner to remove ash.
Never let children “help” with the stove in any way,