6 Speed adjustment .See pictures
Electronic Button
Turn on the power; the buzzer will buzz five times. The sound
shows that the appliance is powered.
Push the low button, the indicating light 1 on, the buzzer will
buzz once, and the motor runs at low speed. Push it again and
the motor will stop.
Push the middle button, the indicating light 2 on, the buzzer
will buzz once, and the motor runs at mid speed. Push it again
and the motor will stop
Push the high button, the indicating light 3 on, the buzzer will
buzz once, and motor runs on high speed. Push it again and the
motor will stop
Push the light button; the indicating light 4 on, and the two
lighting lamps will come on. Push it again and the lamps will
turn off, with every push the buzzer will buzz one time.