Euro Towers EUROFOLD Quick Start Manual Download Page 2


Before You Start 


Familiarise yourself with these instructions paying attention to these safety 

notes before you use the equipment supplied. Towers may only be assembled 

and dismantled by a COMPETENT person familiar with these instructions. 


User training courses cannot be a substitute for instruction manuals but only 

complement them.


This product shall only be used according to the instruction manual.


Only original Euro Towers components specified in this manual shall be used.  


It is recommended that this user manual be used in conjunction with a suitable 

risk assessment and method statement relative to the project.


This instruction manual shall be available to the USER at ALL times. Erection, 

alteration or dismantle of the tower should not be attempted unless the manual 

is present.


This mobile access and working tower shall only be used according to this 

manual without any modification.


Mobile access and working towers shall only be used in accordance with 

national regulations.


You will require the following PPE and Tools to help avoid personal injury, Hard 

Hat, Safety Gloves, Safety Shoes/Boots, Hi Vis vest/jacket and spirit level.


As part of your risk assessment do not erect, move or dismantle your tower in 

excessive weather conditions including heavy rain, sleet or snow that can affect 

your anti slip surfaces. Also avoid working in extreme heat and high winds.


Ensure you selected the correct platform height tower in relation to the desired 

working height (usually 2m) to avoid overreaching and other unsafe practices. 


Inspect all individual components before use to ensure quantity, compatibility, 

any damages and all parts function correctly. Damaged or incorrect components 

shall NOT be used.


Check the quantity of components supplied corresponds correctly to the kitting 

list of the tower height you are planning to build. Do not start assembly if you 

do not have the correct number of components. Do not use any tower that has 

missing or damaged parts or has not been properly assembled.  


Erect an exclusion zone and place warning signs if applicable to you.


It is recommended that a minimum of two person erect, alter and dismantle a 

Tower but during the risk assessment additional person(s) may be required to 

perform the task safely.

Inspection, Maintenance and transport 


Regularly inspect the individual components to ensure that they are not  dam


aged and function properly. Damaged components shall be isolated, tagged and 

removed from use. They should be replaced and sent for repair or scrap.


Inspect all tube on frames, stabilisers and braces for dents, cuts and holes, 

damaged equipment should be isolated, tagged and removed from use. Check 

all joints for cracked welds and that they are secure. 


Inspect Brace Hooks, check the clicker is functioning correctly and the hook is 

not distorted from abuse. Check the brace is not bent/dented.


Inspect Platform for damage to the decking and fixings and that (if fitted) 

trapdoor open and close freely and the hinge is secure. Check the aluminium 

framework for damage and for cracked welds that may be damaged due to 

overloading. Check the hooks are not distorted from abuse and the wind lock 

clips are attached and functioning properly. 


Inspect Stabiliser couplers can be tightened and loosened freely. Ensure rubber 

foot is securely fitted and not worn out. Check adjusting pins on telescopic 

stabilisers are fitted.


Inspect castors, checking that the wheel turns and spins freely, that the brakes 

engage and stops the castor from spinning. Ensure the castor has no flat spots 

and has a SWL. 


Inspect the adjustable leg threads are clear of burrs and the nut runs freely up 

and down the thread. Check the nut housing for abuse or missing nodules.


Light oil or lubricating spray may be used to free up jammed, clickers, castors, 

adjustable leg nuts, stabiliser couplers, trapdoor hinges and latches.


Do not put excessive loads on the components during storage.


When transporting the components do not use excessive strapping forces when 

securing the load, this may distort and damage components.

Assembling and Dismantling


Check ground conditions are suitable for erecting and moving the tower and 

the ground can take the loads imposed by the tower including weight of 

equipment and persons. Do not assemble tower on unstable ground such as 

drain, manhole covers, compacted fill or any other hazards highlighted during 

the risk assessment.


Check for level and slope of the area where the tower is to be erected, moved 

and dismantled is within the levelling height of the adjustable legs.


Check for obstructions that could prevent erection, moving and dismantling of 

the tower safely.


Check for overhead hazards such as power lines. Do not assemble a tower near 

uninsulated, live or energised electrical machinery or circuits, or near machinery 

or plant that is in operation.


Ensure the Tower is level. Castor wheels should remain LOCKED unless moving 

the Tower. Adjustable legs are used for levelling the Tower. NEVER use to 

gain additional height. Extra height is gained by using additional compatible 

components. Other items such as ladders, steps, boxes etc should never be used 

to gain additional height.


All components should be passed up or down by hand where possible, where this 

is not possible use a suitable material for lifting (e.g. Heavy corded rope) and suf


ficient knot ties (e.g. hitch knot or timber hitch) DO NOT use mechanical hoists.


Towers MUST always be climbed from the inside for access and egress using the 

Integrated ladders or designated rungs. NEVER climb the outside of a Tower.


Do not lean ladders against a tower or climb the outside. Climb the ladder from 

the inside as per the supplied access system and use the trapdoor for access and 



Never climb on Diagonal or Horizontal braces or jump on to or off platforms. 


Working is only permitted on a platform with a complete side protection includ


ing guardrails and toe boards.


After assembly or alteration, the following minimum information shall be dis


played on the tower: 


 The name and contact details of the person responsible 


 If the tower is ready for application or not 


 The load class and the uniformly 

distributed load 


 If the mobile access and working tower is intended for indoor 

use only (


 The date of assembly

Safe Use & Loadings


Before use, check that all components listed in the kit list have been used in the 

Tower in the correct position.


Care should be taken when using Power Tools or Jet washing or anything specific 

to your job that could imply side loads and cause the tower to overturn. Maxi


mum permitted side load must not exceed 30kg (300n)


When lifting components or materials keep within the base of the Tower. Ensure 

the total weight of the User(s) any debris, materials being lifted does not exceed 

the Safe Working Load (SWL) of an individual platform (250kg) or the overall 

structure (750kg) Loads must be uniformly distributed on the working platform 

and not block trapdoors.


Mobile access and working towers designed in accordance with EN1004-1 are not 

anchor points for personal fall arrest equipment.


Work should only be completed from one Working Platform at any time complete 

with Guardrails and Toe Boards to prevent persons and materials falling from the 

tower. Work should not be attempted from any other part of the tower including 

stairs or braces.


The maximum number of person(s) permitted on the working platform at any 

time should not exceed the SWL (250kg). This should include any tools and or 



You should never stand on an unprotected platform (guardrails must be in place)


Consider measures to secure the tower when left unattended.

Stability & Moving


Ensure the Tower is level and the adjustable legs are engaged. Check that you 

have taken all necessary precautions to prevent the Tower being moved or rolling 

away. Always apply ALL brakes or use base plates for static towers or inclined 



Ensure that the scaffold tower is within the maximum platform height as stated 

and that the appropriate stabilisers are fitted to suit. *Refer to kitting list.


A scaffold tower should not be used or moved in wind speeds stronger than 

17mph (7.7meters per second) (Beaufort force 4). If wind speeds exceed this, 

consider tying the tower to a rigid structure or dismantling before it is exposed 

to the strong winds.


Beware of the potential wind factors where there is a possibility for the 

tunnelling effect of open-ended buildings, unclad building and at the corners of 



NEVER fit sheets or cladding to a Tower. Such items can act as a sail and impose 

extreme horizontal load onto a tower causing it to overturn.


When moving a tower plan the route, removing any obstructions, ensuring the 

ground can take the weight of the tower. Beware of soft and uneven ground. Pay 

attention for 


overhead hazards and ensure that all materials and persons are removed from 

the Tower. If there are any doubts about the route, then dismantle and erect in 

new location.


Towers should only be moved manually by pushing at the base of the tower at a 

usual walking speed. The Tower height should be reduced to 4m if all 4 stabilisers 

are in place and 2m if less than 4 stabilisers are in place. Stabilisers are raised 

approximately 25mm clear of the ground and then castors are unlocked and the 

tower can be moved. 


When the Tower is repositioned reapply the brakes on castor wheels and the 

tower shall be levelled using the adjustable legs for both horizontal and vertical 

alignment. The 


stabilisers can then be lowered making firm contact with the ground.


Towers should NEVER be lifted or suspended by a crane or moved by mechanical 



Towers are not designed to be used as a means to enter or exit other structures


Towers are not designed to be used as a means of edge protection


All towers should be inspected before use.

Further information on inspection and maintenance can be found on Euro Towers 

inspection posters. For further safety information or downloading instructions call 

Euro Towers or visit our website.
