Eureka Manta Manual
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Click the “Wipe one cycle now” hot button to activate one cycle of the turbidity sensor’s wiper. If your
Manta doesn’t have turbidity, you can still click this button, but nothing will happen.
Click the “Capture One Line of Data to PC without Annotation” hot button to save the most recent
line of data (as shown in the yellow band on the Home Page) in your Snapshot file. (C.3.b)
Click the “Capture One Line of Data to PC with Annotation” hot button to save the most recent line
of data (as shown in the yellow band on the Home Page) to your Snapshot file, along with a brief note
that you might wish to append to the data. Type that note in the annotation box. The note will be
saved, along with the data, in your Snapshot file. (C.3.b)
Click the “Clear Data from PC Screen” hot button to remove the data you see on the screen and start over
with only the most recent data. Clicking this button does not close the program.
C.4 “PC” Pull-Down Menu
The Manta has two pull-down menus, called PC and Manta. They’re called pull-downs because when you
click on them, a bunch of hidden buttons appear. When you click on the “PC” pull-down menu, you get
six buttons to choose from:
Click Set Scroll Interval if you wish to change the time for which lines of data on your Data Display
screen are updated. You can click on a specific scroll interval or type in your own.
Click Set Snapshot Location if you wish to specify the file in which your Snapshots are to be filed. This
calls up the standard “Save As” (or equivalent) function of your Data Display’s operating system.
Follow the instructions just as if you were saving, for instance, a new Word document.
A “Snapshot” is what happens when you choose to log, or store, one line of data. That line can be
representative of, say, stabilized readings at 10 meters in a particular lake, or any other line of data
you find interesting. (C.4, E.1)