The device is dedicated to monitor closed spaces to detect potential fire and alarm during any fire threat. It is
equipped with high quality photo-optical sensor. It should be mounted on the ceiling. In case of any danger (smoke),
the device will automatically warn the user by emitting:
- Acoustic alarm – sound from the speaker of volume level about 85 dB,
- Optical alarm – LED diode mounted at the front of the device.
The device has a special test button to check whether the work of the device is correct. Another function is battery
level control – low battery level is indicated by single, repeating each 1 min, sound.
Acoustic and sound alarm
Special test button
Low battery level indication
Relay output for alarm systems
Technical data
Powe supply
9V DC (6LR61 battery)
Current - st
andby / alarm state
A / ok. 30mA
Relay output
Relay output
NO/NC max. 230V/1A
Alarm sound level
> 85 dB
Temperature range
Dimensions (diameter x height)
107mm x 35 mm
Netto weight
110 g (without battery)
p. z o.o.
84-200 Wejherowo, ul. Przemysłowa 35A, POLAND
tel. +48 58 678 81 00, service: tel.
+48 58 678 81 20, fax +48 58 678 81 01
Organizacja Odzysku Sprzętu Elektrycznego i Elektronicznego SA
A used up electrical or electronical device must not be utilized or thrown away with other waste produced by household. In order to avoid harmful effect
on natural environment and human health, the device must be utilized in places that are destined to do it. To get more information about place and
method of safe utilization you should turn to local authorities or company specialized in recycling – Dz. U. nr 180 pos. 1495 day 29.07.2005.
More information about recycling points can be found on www.elektroeko.pl
The copy of declaration of conformity is available on: http://www.eura-tech.eu
All rights reserved. Pictures, graphs and texts are the property of “Eura-Tech” Sp. z o.o.
Copying, distributing and publication without permission of author is forbidden.
Autonomous smoke detector GS-503
Usage – fire safety