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Safety instructions
The product shall be installed in a fire electrical resistant cabinet by a qualified operator.
The product must be connected only to equipment that complies with the IEC60950-1 or IEC62368-1 standards
and that meets the following classifications:
IEC60950-1 : Limited power circuits and SELV type
§2.2 and 2.5
IEC62368-1 : ES1 & PS2
To avoid any risk of burns, it is strongly recommended to wear gloves to handle the product in
operation when the ambient temperature exceeds 30 °C.
Installation dans une baie informatique
The XSRACK is designed to be installed in a 19 inch computer bay. It can be placed on a tray or fixed using the
mounting brackets provided.
When the mounting brackets are used it is possible to remove the self-adhesive feet under the case.
The XSRACK has a fan which ensures a low temperature difference between the outside and the inside. This
lowers the operating temperature of electronic components and thus improves MTBF.
However, in the event of a fan failure, the XSRACK continues to function normally. Make sure to reserve a
sufficient space of at least 1 cm above and below the box to facilitate the flow of heat.
Isolation and earthing
The enclosure of the XSRACK is metallic ; For safety and EMC reasons, it must be connected to the protective
earth of the installation with its power cord.
Ethernet and SHDSL signals are isolated through transformers. Consequently, the products is electrically
isolated from the outside up to a common mode voltage of 1500 V;