the EternalArts Universal Tape Stage
From unbalanced high level sources > 500 mV (such as
HiFi preamp, CD-Player)
Set front switch to ’Source’
Use Cinch-connectors ‚Input‘, set rear switch ‚RCA
conn.’ to position 0 dBu
VU-meters are pre-adjusted with the rear switch
‘0 VU = + 4 dBu’ for machines with a magnetic flux of
320 nWb/m
‘0 VU = + 6 dBu’ for machines with a magnetic flux of
514 nWb/m
Use balanced XLR-sockets symbol ‘To Tape’ to con-
nect your tape machine
Control VU-level by using the pots on front
From unbalanced low level sources < 500 mV (such as early
equipment under DIN-standard)
Same as above, set rear switch ‚RCA conn.’ to position
- 6 dBu
To unbalanced high level inputs (such as HiFi preamp)
Set front switch to ‘Tape’
Use balanced XLR-sockets symbol ‘From Tape’ to
connect your tape machine