Finalize Hoist and Cable Management Installation
Float the Hoist
Prior to running the hoist, you must ensure that all TwinLine sets are held taut. To accomplish
this, lift the hoist off of the stands or sawhorses on which it is resting. If you have multiple people
available, lift the hoist off together, keeping it as level as possible and lowering it so that all of
the lift lines are tensioned the same.
If you must float the hoist alone, lift each section of the hoist off each stand individually, starting
at the motor end. Once you have lowered each section of the hoist, ensure that the lift line
terminations are tensioned equally. If you run the hoist up with slack lines, you could cause
damage to the hoist.
Level the Hoist and Test Movement
If it is necessary to adjust the trim so your hoist is level, use a 17 mm socket wrench to adjust the
trim of the TwinLines. If you need to remove extra slack from the lift line, turn the adjustment
bolt clockwise. If you need to add slack, turn the bolt counter-clockwise.
Test Hoist Movement
Bump the hoist in the up direction and listen for any unusual noises. STOP immediately if any
unusual noises occur and call ETC technical support.
Install Slack Line Sensor Kit
If you are installing a FlyPipe-XL model hoist, you must install the sensor kit that ships with the
hoist before operation. For more information, refer to the
Prodigy FlyPipe Slack Line Sensor Kit
Installation Guide
that is included in the sensor kit packaging.