ETK-V1.1 - User’s Guide
Hardware Description
VertiCal Connector
The VertiCal connector interfaces the ETK-V1.1 with the ECU and provides
access to the microcontrollers external bus and JTAG/Nexus interface.
Data Emulation and Data Measurement
The complete data emulation and measurement data memory consists of two
1 MByte pages (Fig. 4-8 "Data Emulation and Measurement Data Memory: 2
Pages with 1 MByte each"). The address range of the data emulation and mea-
surement memory must be 1 MByte and it must be defined at a 1 MByte bound-
Data emulation memory and measurement data memory must be located inside
this 1 MByte address range. The segmentation of this address range between
both memory parts is variable.
The measurement data memory and data emulation memory can have variable
size and offset addresses inside this fixed address range.
Data Emulation Memory
During operation of the ECU, only program data, not program code, can be
modified by using the data emulation memory. Modification of program code
could lead to a system crash. The program code is continuously processed out of
the internal or external memory.
Fig. 4-8
Data Emulation and Measurement Data Memory: 2 Pages with
1 MByte each
Reference data can be stored on one page ("Reference page") while the data on
the other page ("Working page") can be modified. It is possible to switch
between the two pages during operation through the application software.
Measurement Data Memory
The measurement data memory must be located within the address space of the
data emulation and measurement data memory. It can have variable size.
ECU Read Access
Page switching
Measurement Data Memory
Data Emulation Memory
Page 1
Data Emulation Memory
Page 1
Data Emulation Memory
Page 2
Data Emulation Memory
Page 2
Measurement Data Memory
ECU Write Access