ES5392.1 High Current Switch Board (6-CH) - User’s Guide
Design, Installation and Fuses
Design, Installation and Fuses
This chapter contains information about the design and installation of ES5392.1,
as well as information about the fuses.
• "Design of ES5392.1" on page 18
• "Connectors CO200, X1 PwrCtrl, X2 SwCtrl, X3 Battery Input and X4
• "Installation in the ES5300.1-A/B Housing" on page 21
Some components of the ES5392.1 can be damaged or destroyed by
electrostatic discharges. Leave the plug-in card in its transport pack-
aging until its installation.
The ES5392.1 may be removed from the transport packaging, config-
ured and installed only at a workplace that is secured against electro-
static discharges. Avoid any contact with the connections of the plug-
in card or with conductor paths on the card.