Technical Data
ES413.1 - User’s Guide
Declarable Substances
European Union
Some products from ETAS GmbH (e.g. modules, boards, cables) use compo
nents with substances that are subject to declaration in accordance with the
REACH regulation (EU) no.1907/2006.
Detailed information is located in the ETAS download center in the customer
information "REACH Declaration" (
). This information is
continuously being updated.
Use of Open Source Software
System Requirements
This section tells you what hardware and software is needed to operate your
ES413.1 module.
Power Supply
Operation of the modules requires a power supply voltage of 5 V to 50 V/ 6 V to
50 V DC.
PC with one Ethernet interface
A PC with one open Ethernet interface (100 Mbit/s, full duplex) with RJ-45 con
nection is required.
Requirement to ensure successful initialization of the module
To deactivate the power saving mode
Choose in System Control Center / Device Manager / Network Adapter the
used network adapter by double-click. Deactivate the "Allow the computer to
turn off this device to save power" option in the "Power Management" register.
Confirm your configuration.
It is imperative you disable the function which automatically switches to
power-saving mode on your PC network adapter when there is no data traffic
on the Ethernet interface!