Revised: 6 Sep 11
Mobile Client Modes (EtherStation, Station Router or Station Masquerade)
The ESTeem 195Ea can also be configured to function as a mobile client. The client modes will allow the 195Ea to
seamlessly roam between other 195Ea configured as Access Points (AP). These Access Points can be ESTeem
195Ea’s configured in one of the three Access Point modes (AP Bridge, AP Router or AP Masquerade – see above).
The client modes will allow mobile Ethernet devices to connect to each other or to an Ethernet LAN through the fixed
AP (Figure 5).
The EtherStation mode is used to connect a single Ethernet device to the ESTeem 195Ea. If you are connecting the
195Ea to multiple Ethernet devices in a mobile mode, the Station Router or Station Masquerade will be required.
The Station Router will allow bi-directional communication between the Ethernet devices connected to the 195Ea
and the wireless network, while the Station Masquerade will serve as a firewall on the Ethernet side.
Example Applications
Mobile applications where the 195Ea will change links often between fixed Access Points
Long range mobile client networks
Public safety applications for police, fire and EMS
Applications Where Mobile Client Mode Not Used
Fixed locations using Ethernet Bridging or Routing
Wireless Ethernet networks with repeaters
Figure 5: Router Mode Example