Installation of Optional
Dust Containment System
(This system can be purchased with a new SL-1218R or added at a later date)
1) Clean tapped 10-24 holes in chassis
your machine does not have predrilled holes you will need to make them.)
Location of holes is ¾” up from the bottom of the apron, centered on towers. The collection
tube should be flush with the front of the machine. Use a #25 drill and then tap w/ 10-24 threads.
2) Fasten Collection Tube to Aprons
a. Use 10*24 x ½” screws w/ lock washer & large flat washer, add thread lock to secure
After installation there should be 1/8” clearance between top of the plate & bottom of the
collection tube.
3) Install bolt in handle
a. Hole location is 20” up from apron, 19 ½” down from handle tube
Drill ¼” hole in handle tube @ specified location
(It will be easier to use 2 to 3 different
drill sizes to build up to the ¼” hole)
Drill through tube! The wiring inside will
be damaged!
4) Secure “T” to Handle
a. Attach knurled nuts to ¼-20 rod using channel locks & thread Lock
b. Place plastic clinch band around the inner tube of “T” and inside of end caps pull taunt.
Cut off excess band.