Fan Curve Diagrams
Airfl ow Control Technology (ACT)
Some local codes limit the maximum amount of CFM a range hood can move. ACT allows you to
control the maximum blower CFM of hoods with of select Zephyr Ventilation range hoods without the
need for expensive make up air kits. ACT enables the installer to easily set the maximum blower speed
to one of two most commonly specifi ed CFM levels; 390 or 290 CFM. The usage of ACT may not be
necessary for your installation. Please check your local codes for CFM restrictions.
By default the maximum blower CFM is set to 685.
To verify if your installer enabled ACT; With hood off, press and hold the power button for three seconds.
If 5 LEDs illuminate = default max. CFM, if 4 LEDs illuminate = max. 390 CFM, and if 3 LEDs illuminate
= max. 290 CFM. When ACT is enabled, the number of blower speeds will be reduced. 390 CFM = max.
3 speeds and 290 CFM = max. 2 speeds. There should also be a foil label located inside the hood body
near the wiring diagram that indicates the blower CFM.