5. Software “epc610 evaluation system” and user interface
5.1. Overview
This chapter describes the epc600/610 Evaluation Kit software (SW) and graphical user interface (GUI). The user interface is designed as
a dialog based application. The software operates the epc610 camera module, reads the data delivered by the module and allows for data
The 8x8 pixel array camera epc610 with the SPI interface works as a
3D TOF camera on-chip
5.1.1. User Interface Overview
Figure 14 shows a snapshots of the user interface. All the windows are identical both for the Mac and PC. Table 6 provides a brief descrip-
tion of the different user interface elements.
Figure 14: User Interfaces epc610 application software
Logo area
epc logo, a double-click opens the “About” dialog”
Main button group
Buttons for the basic handling of the system:
Connect / Disconnect
Connects / disconnects the application to / from the Evaluation Kit hardware. Always use this first before you
start any other operation.
Start / Stop
Starts or stops the data acquisition. Use after the Evaluation Kit hardware has been connected.
Quits the application.
Data logging for offline analysis.
A dialog window allows the selection of log data and file type.
App. Type
Shows the type of the connected camera module.
System info
This group shows the camera system type and the status of the system with a LED symbol:
Shows the type of the connected camera system (epc600 or epc610). This information is read from the con -
nected camera module.
Signals the status of the connected camera system with a LED symbol:
The system is not connected yet.
The system is connected. No warnings or errors are discovered.
The system has entered an error state.
The root-cause of the error is shown in a pop-up box.
Table 6: Functionality of the basic application layout
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Manual epc610_Camera - V1.5