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Bleeding the Thermovec
Using the Thermovec
The Control Panel – what the symbol mean
Power on/off. Also used to cancel an action or to return to the previous menu
Air Vent or Time. Used to display time settings, set the timer and to turn the air vent on
or off.
Fan Speed. Used to set the fan speed.
Up. Used to increase a value or to go up a menu level.
Down. Used to decrease a value or to go down a menu level.
The Thermovec must be bled before power is
applied i.e. before it is switched on. Use a
screwdriver to open the bleed valve on the
side of the Thermovec until all air is expelled
from the unit then close the valve again taking
care not to over-tighten it. It is
recommended that each Thermovec be bled
again one it has been running for a few hours.
If the unit is powered-up before it is bled, the
3-way valve will have closed and it must be
opened manually.