Before the first use of the baton read carefully through this technical and operating manual.
Practical use
should be consistent with law and operating manual. The baton should not be used by someone, who did
not properly familiarize oneself with the use of this baton.
The baton is intended for everyday police use
(professional use).
1. Grasp the baton strongly in your hand by the rubber grip surface.
2. Sharply flick the baton in horizontal or little downward direction fast
enough to eject the baton and to cause the hard locking of cones
endings of tubes. The faster you open the baton, the stronger it holds
in the open position, but subsequently it could be more difficult to
close it.
Never open the baton aimed at some other person!
3. When using the baton always have it under control.
Strike direct-
ed against a head, face, neck or vital organs could be potentially
4. If in the case of wrong opening the baton or upon performing a de-
fensive technique the baton partly closes and use the opening move
according to the part 2.
For easier release of locked cones it is recommended to tap slightly tip of
the baton on solid ground. When closing the baton hold it just with your
thumb and forefinger and
let its weight direct it perpendicularly to the
ground. Do not hold it firmly in your closed hand since in such case
the baton often is not directed perpendicularly!
When collapsing the
baton by quick swing without excessive force strike its tip downward in
a vertical motion against
hard, flat
and if possible
pidity of the swing is here more important than force!
During the closing process the baton affects by its strong
power this surface and could cause its damage. Strike about a
soft or
elastic surface,
like wooden floor or carpet,
shall not release locking
of cones endings. Never close it on a dirty surface (e.g. sand or dust), to
avoid the contamination inside the baton. Never close the baton with-
out the spring guide cap. After releasing the tubes it is not necessary
to hammer the baton into the rubber handle, as there is a risk of dam-
aging the surface.
Make periodically preventive control of the baton, whether it is not damaged. Check, whether tip of the ba-
ton did not become loosened. Should it become loose, apply adhesive Loctite 270 into threads and tighten it
quickly. Concurrently perform preventive cleansing.
Prior to examination or cleaning the baton is disassembled into three parts: spring guide cap, rubber handle
and two connected expandable tubes.
You can use Silicone oil for preservation of
outside parts
of baton.
When you do it be extremely careful
not to put the oil on interface of cones.
In the case the baton is not locking in the open position correctly,
one of the main reasons is the fact that there is the oil on the contact area of cones. It is therefore neces-
sary to degrease it thoroughly.
anti-slip handle
(version H)
ergonomic handle
(version HE)
Baton ending with a spring
Baton tip