User Manual
Doc. Number: ESO-323064
Doc. Version: 2
Released on:
15 of 82
Document Classification: Public
Figure 6: The original CRIRES detector mosaic focal plane array area compared to the new
detectors with an increase of a factor of 2.7 in the cross-dispersion direction.
The new detector mosaic does not only provide a larger area but also lower noise, higher
quantum efficiency, better cosmetic quality and much lower dark current. Also, the gaps
between the detectors in the mosaic are smaller. The detectors operate at 35K with
cryogenic preamplifiers located next to the focal plane.
Figure 7: The 3 CRIRES H2RG detectors are shown (right) together with the detector mount
All detector systems, including the slit viewer camera, is upgraded to the current ESO
standard New General detector Controller (NGC). This detector upgrade does not only
significantly increase the coverage of the focal plane, but the increased spatial homogeneity
of the pixel response combined with lower readout noise, dark current and higher QE will
result in improved data quality. All detectors have been tested at the ESO detector labs and
the full detector system is in operation in the upgraded CRIRES instrument.
3.1.4 The cryogenic vessel
CRIRES is located at the Nasmyth B focus of VLT-UT3. The instrument is mounted in a 3
m-diameter, 1 m high vessel. Including its support structure, the total weight of the
oCRIRES Aladin detector
mosaic 4096 x 512 pixels,
27 microns pixel size
Current Hawaii2RG detector
mosaic 6144 x 2048 pixels,
18 microns pixel size