CRIRES User Manual
Doc. Number: ESO-254264
Doc. Version: P109.4
Issued on:
78 of 99
Document Classification: ESO Internal Use [Confidential for Non-ESO Staff]
(PWV): see Section 5.3.3. ¯
Data acquired at the telescope are reduced in real-time (by using a standard calibration set)
in order to provide a first quality control of observations. While in Visitor Mode this quality
control is left to the visiting astronomer, in Service Mode this is done by the night-time crew
on Paranal. This quality control checks for the fulfilment of the OB constraint set: OB
executed fully within constraints will be classified as “A”, while at least one constraint
violated by up to 10% in value or time will result in grade “B”. OBs that are observed well
out of constraints (>10%) will have to be repeated.
6.8 Ephemeris of moving targets
To observe moving targets the user must supply ephemeris to be uploaded on p2 and
attached to the target science OBs. For SM observations, the provided ephemeris file
should cover
the whole duration of the ESO Period in question, or for the whole duration of
the observability period in case that observations must be executed within a specific time
window. On the other hand, in VM the ephemeris should cover the assigned time/night.
The ephemeris files are ASCII files compatible with the VLT parameter file (PAF) format,
and can be prepared by using the online tool available at:
6.9 Finding charts
For SM observations, users are requested to provide finding charts for any given science
OB. Finding chart must be compliant with ESO standard and instrument specific
requirements. A complete description can be found at:
Finding charts for CRIRES observations can be easily and quickly prepared by using the
Finding Chart Generator service (p2fc) available directly within the p2 environment (see
p2/Finding Charts tab).
6.10 README file
For any given SM run, users are requested to provide a README file containing a
overview of the OBs in terms of observing strategy and scientific goal. Detailed instructions
on the README file can be found at:
For very faint AO NGS
or when employing AO at high airmass
(>1.4), PIs are
encouraged to put a note into the README file, stating: For the case that the AO loop is
unstable or does not close, the night-time operator may switch to NoAO mode.