IVX 128 Plus: additional features
Special information: Using the DLC12 for ISDN PRI
The DLC12 card, one of the five available port cards for IVX 128, is a plug-in design that can be installed
in any of the seven available card slots on the system highway. Each card provides
a T1 interface
supporting 24 DS0 channels and 12 digital stations
an ISDN PRI interface supporting 23 B (bearer)
channels, one D (datalink) channel and 12 digital stations. A jumper (labeled
) on the DLC12 card
must be plugged onto pins 5 and 6 of JP6 to enable ISDN PRI functions. For more information on the
DLC12 card, refer to the IVX 128 Installation Manual (ESI part #0450-0074) and the Digital Line Card
Configuration Instructions (ESI part #0450-0296).
Function 213: DLC12 (PRI) programming
The options under Function 213 are used to configure the DLC12 card for an ISDN PRI line with 23 B
channels and one data channel (24). The first line of the display will indicate the card number and the
type of card. The frame format and line coding will default to the ISDN standard of ESF/B8ZS.
One of the main features of PRI is dynamic channel allocation, meaning all telephone numbers on the
PRI span can come in over any of the 23 channels. This eliminates the need to forecast call volume for
the main published number, because as few as one channel or as many as 23 channels can be
occupied at any time by callers to the main published number. For example, channels 1–20 can be
occupied by callers to the main published number while channels 21–23 are open or occupied with
DID callers; later, channels 1–15 can be occupied by DID callers while channels 16–23 are open or
occupied by callers to the main number.
The components required for programming are CO line programming (Function 2131) and Switch
protocol (Function 2134). In addition to the required fields, there are also fields for line build-out
(Function 2132), CSU emulation (Function 2133) and DID enable/disable (Function 2135) that typically
are left out at default.
Function 2131: PRI CO line programming
The 23 voice channels support both inbound and outbound traffic. Answer ring assignments must be
assigned for daytime and night routing. This routing will be followed only if DID is disabled. Because of
the dynamic channel allocation on PRI, there is no control over the channel any given number rings in
on. For this reason it is recommended that all channels be routed the same. For maximum flexibility,
we allow each channel to be selected individually. For example: in some cases, the outbound line
group needs to be different or possibly have the first five channels be live-answer, then send the
overflow to ID 1.
When performing the CO line programming, remember that there are only 23 channels; the 24th
channel is used for signaling, so it does not take up a port and it needs no programming. If the PRI card
is in the first slot, the COs will be 1–23 and the next card will start with CO 24.
Using the programmable feature keys, select the line keys to be programmed (use the scroll keys
for lines 17–23). Press
to confirm.
Select Dialtone transmit on or off.
Select Playback transmit on or off.
Enter CO name (see “Entering alphanumeric characters” on page C.2 in the Installation Manual).
On IVX 128, the DLC12 must be configured for T1. IVX 128 will not support a DLC12 configured for PRI. Only IVX 128 Plus will
support a DLC12 configured for PRI.