Quick Start
1. Quick Start
This chapter describes first steps with the ECS-PMC/FPGA. It uses an esd EtherCAT Slave Stack
sample application and the esd EtherCAT Workbench to show the functionality of the ECS-
1.1 Requirements
EtherCAT knowledge. The ETG (EtherCAT Technology Group,
) has
several brochures/introductions that should be studied first
Windows PC
with esd EtherCAT Workbench*
with network interface card (100 Base-TX capable) dedicated to EtherCAT
with ANSI C compiler etc. (Makefile/Project for Microsoft Visual Studio and GCC
esd EtherCAT Slave Stack*
Network cable to connect the ECS-PMC/FPGA to the PC’s NIC (where the EtherCAT
master will run)
* Demo version of the EtherCAT Workbench and full version of the EtherCAT Stack object for Windows and
Linux are included in delivery of ECS-PMC/FPGA
1.2 Steps
Following steps have to be performed:
1. Install the ECS-PMC/FPGA into your system, as described in chapter “Hardware
Installation”, on page 16
2. Install the esd EtherCAT Slave Stack according to its manual
(Usually this is just running its “
” etc.)
3. Install the ECS-PMC/FPGA driver, see section 1.3 “Driver Installation”
(It is within the Stack installation’s “driver” folder)
4. Install the esd EtherCAT Workbench according to its manual
(Usually this is just running its “
” etc.)
5. Connect the EtherCAT port “IN” of the ECS-PMC/FPGA to the NIC of the PC
6. Start the Sample Slave Application, see section 1.4 “Sample Slave Application“
7. Start the Workbench and run the tests, see section 1.5 “Testing the Sample App. with the
Hardware Manual • Doc. No.: E.1104.21 / Rev. 1.1
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