1.800.352.9852 •
Products sold by Equipment Supply Company (ESCO) are warranted to be free from de-
fects in material and workmanship under proper use, application, and maintenance in ac-
cordance with ESCO's written recommendations, instructions, and specifications for a pe-
riod of 1 year (365 days) from the date of shipment to the end user, unless otherwise noted.
ESCO's obligation under this warranty is limited to, and the sole remedy for any such de-
fect shall be the repair or replacement (at ESCO's discretion) of unaltered parts returned to
ESCO, freight prepaid, and proven to have such defect, provided such defect occurs within
the 90
day warranty period (or otherwise noted) and is reported within 14 days of occur-
This is the only authorized ESCO warranty and is in lieu of all other express or implied war-
ranties or representations, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness.
Warranty claims must be submitted and be processed in accordance with ESCO's estab-
lished warranty claim procedure. In no event will ESCO be liable for business interruptions,
loss of sales and/or profits, personal injury, costs of delay, or for any other special, indi-
rect, incidental or consequential losses, costs, or damages.
PURCHASE DATE:___________________________________________
MODEL NO.:________________________________________________
SERIAL NO. (If Applicable):____________________________________
HURRICANE BEAD SEATING TANK #20387 #20388 #20389