Escene Communication
When using HTTP upgrade, you can set several parameters as follow:
HTTP Upgrade
Select a File
Browse the software/kernel/configuration file which you need to upgrade
from HTTP
Used for upgrading the software of the phone
Kernel Upgrade
Used for upgrading the kernel of the phone
You can used upload/download to upload/download the configure file of
the phone
XML Phone Book Used for uploading/downloading the XML phonebook of the phone
Downloading all contacts in the Vcard mode, but upload only support one
by one.
EXT Module
Used for updating/backup the expansion of the phone
The mode doesn't support this feature]
Used for the administrator to find out or making sure the problem with
this equipment.
All Config File
All Config File includes: Configuration, Extern, Log, XML Phone book,
Enterprise Phone Book.
8.1.2 FTP Upgrade
You can upgrade the software, kernel and configure files by FTP.