Sensorless Brushless Motor Speed Controller
Ver HW-01-081027.1
- 4 -
Normal startup procedure:
Throttle range setting:
(Throttle range should be reset whenever a new transmitter is being used)
Program the ESC with your transmitter (4 Steps):
1. Enter program mode
2. Select programmable items
3. Set item’s value (Programmable value)
4. Exit program mode
1. Enter program mode
1) Switch on transmitter, move throttle stick to
top , connect the battery pack to ESC
2) Wait for 2 seconds, the motor should emit
special tone like “beep-beep-”
Wait for another 5 seconds, special tone like
” should be emitted, which means
program mode is entered
4. Exit program mode
There are 2 ways to exit
program mode:
In step 3, after special
tone “
”, please
move throttle stick to
the bottom position
within 2 seconds.
In step 2, after tone
The item #8), move
throttle stick to bottom
within 3 seconds.
3. Set item value (Programmable value):
You will hear several tones in loop. Set the value matching to a tone by moving throttle stick
to top when you hear the tone, then a special tone “
” emits, means the value is set
and saved. (Keeping the throttle stick at top, you will go back to step 2 and you can select
other items; Moving the stick to bottom within 2 seconds will exit program mode directly)
1 short tone
2 short tones
3 short tones
Off On
Battery type
Li-ion / Li-poly
NiMH / NiCd
Cutoff mode
Soft-Cut Cut-Off
Cutoff threshold
Low Medium High
Start mode
Normal Soft
Low Medium High
2. Select programmable items:
After entering program mode, you will hear 8 tones in a loop with
the following sequence. If you move the throttle stick to bottom
within 3 seconds after one kind of tones, this item will be selected.
brake (1 short tone)
battery type (2 short tone)
“beep-beep-beep-” cutoff mode (3 short tone)
“beep-beep-beep-beep-” cutoff threshold (4 short tone)
startup mode (1 long tone)
“beep-----beep-” timing (1 long 1 short)
“beep-----beep-beep-” set all to default (1 long 2 short)
8. “beep-----beep-----” e x i t ( 2 l o n g t o n e )
Note: 1 long “beep-----” = 5 short “beep-”
S w i t c h o n
t r a n s m i t t e r,
move throttle
s t i c k t o t o p
Connect battery
pa c k t o E S C ,
a n d w a i t f o r
about 2 seconds
“ B e e p - B e e p - ” t o n e
s h o u l d b e e m i t t e d ,
means throttle range
highest point has been
c o r re c t l y c on fi rm e d
Move throttle stick to the
bottom, several “beep-” tones
should be emitted, presenting
the number of battery cells
A long “Beep-” tone should
be emitted, means throttle
range lowest point has
been correctly confirmed
Move throttle
s t i c k t o
b o t t o m a n d
t h e n s w i t c h
on transmitter.
C o n n e c t b a t t e r y
p a c k t o E S C ,
spec ial tone lik e
1 2 3 ” m e a n s
power supply is OK
When self-test is
finished, a long
“ b e e p - - - - - ” t o n e
should be emitted
M o v e t h r o t t l e s t i c k
upwards to go flying
Several “beep-” tones
s h o u l d b e e m i t t e d ,
presenting the number
of lithium battery cells