ERREBI S.p.A. Unipersonale, Via Pianezze 42-49-32040 Cibiana di Cadore (BL) - Italy-tel.0435 542500 - fax 0435 542522 - [email protected] - www.errebispa.com
Known fixed code
Press buttons 1 and 3 at the same time,
until led starts blinking red, release the bu-
ttons and wait for the led to stop blinking.
After this procedure, continue
from step 2.
If more than 10 Seconds pass without any activity, the M-BT remote will exit
the programming mode. Restart the programming.
*When copying a Rolling code remote, it will copy the selected button and
also the followings. It means that if choosing the button 2 of the M-BT, it will
copy the buttons 1,2 and 3 of the original on buttons 2,3 and 4 of the M-BT.
On fix code remotes, it copies only the selected button of the original.
**If the original remote is a Telcoma or VDS, the second input will be given
pressing the button a second time.
** If the original remote is a BFT or ERREKA, press the hidden button in the
rear of the original, or, if your BFT doesn’t have it, press at the same time
buttons 1 and 2 of the original.
** If the original remote is a FAAC, press at the same time buttons 1 and 2
of the FAAC, until the led of the FAAC blinks, then release, and then press
again the button used for the first input.
***Mode ( 1.Automatic/ 2.Manual/ 3.Clone/ 4. Scanner )
Press buttons 1 and 2 at the same time,
until led starts blinking red, release the bu-
ttons and wait for the led to stop blinking.
If the light blinks green, the copy is not
correct, try again put the original remote
closer or further away.
Press and release the button where you
want to copy the original remote (*). Led
lights red.
If the light blinks red, the copy is not co-
rrect, try again put the original remote clo-
ser or further away.
If the light turns red, it is a rolling code that
needs the second input.**
Give the second input from the original re-
mote until the M-BT light turns green.
Press the button of the original remote you
want to copy until the light of the M-BT tur-
ns green, then release.
If the green light turns off, the copy is done.
The process is over.
If the light turn red, the remote can not be
If the green light blinks slowly it means that
the remote is a rolling code and it is copied
Choose the copying mode***.the light will
turn off, and the copy is finished.