SSI Get Sta tus
This func tion re turns the sta tus of one en co der. The sta tus is bit wi se co ded. The
fol lo wing bits are used:
If this bit is set, an en co der is con nec ted to the port cor re spon ding to the en co -
der num ber.
The data aqui si ti on for that en co der is star ted when set. Data will only be sa ved
if trig ger- mo des are set.
If set, data aqui si ti on for that en co der is stop ped.
If set, this bit in di ca tes sa ved data in FIFO. Use SSI GetS SI Va lues to get the va -
This bit in di ca tes an over flow in the FIFO for SSI- va lues. Da tas will be lost. This
hap pens if the data is read to slowly with the func tion SSI GetS SI Va lues (too
few calls to SSI GetS SI Va lues or too small buf fer) or the trig ger speed is to high.
The ma xi mum trig ger speed de pends on the used ope ra ting sy stem, run ning
threads and speed of the PC.
Not used at the mo ment.
SSI Ge tRe so lu ti on
This func tion re turns the re so lu ti on of an en co der. The struc tu re con tains se pa ra -
te bit counts for re vo lu ti ons (MT) and po si ti on (ST).
Expl.: Re so lu ti on.MT = 0, Re so lu ti on.ST = 17 -> 17- Bit- Sin gle turn- En co der
Re so lu ti on.MT = 12, Re so lu ti on.ST = 13 -> 25- Bit- Mul ti turn- En co der
SSI Se tRe so lu ti on
This func tion will set the re so lu ti on of one en co der (see da tas heet of en co der).
SSI Latch
With this func tion one or more en co ders whe re trig ge red. The soft ware trig ger
must be set (SSI SetT rig ger). Get the va lues with SSI GetS SI Va lues when trans -
mis si on is rea dy.
SSI Stop
This func tion will stop data aqui si ti on of one or more en co ders. All en co ders con -
nec ted to one card are stop ped at the same time, en co ders on dif fe rent cards with
a litt le de lay.
ERMA-Electronic GmbH
7. Programming