USB-PMBus Adapter
1553-KEP 910 17 Uen Rev A
Ericsson AB 2011
8 (9)
Mechanical information
The pinout of the board connector of the PMBus cable is shown in the figure
Step-by-step instructions for operation and
Below you find short instructions for operation and troubleshooting:
1. Plug in the USB cable to both the PC and the USB-PMBus adapter and wait
for the green LED to illuminate. Troubleshooting: If the green LED does not
illuminate after 30 s, check to ensure the USB cable is securely connected. If
the connection is secure, try a different USB port. If a different USB port does
not solve the problem, try to reboot the computer. If rebooting the computer
does not fix the problem, try a different USB cable.
2. Plug in the 10-pin ribbon cable to both the USB-PMBus adapter and a design
board (for example ROA 128 3835 or ROA 128 3836). Make sure that the
notch on the ribbon-cable connector matches the keyhole of the socket in the