Erica Synths Matrix Mixer User Manual Download Page 2

Power the Matrix Mixer exclusively with the external PSU, supplied with the instrument. Using other power supply units may 
permanently damage the instrument.

Use standard 3,5mm Eurorack patch cables to connect modules or instruments to the matrix. The matrix is unidirectional, 
meaning, the signal will pass from the Inputs on the left to the Outputs on top. You can send a signal from one input to 
several outputs simultaneously and likewise – you can mix several inputs to one output.
On the back of the Matrix Mixer, you’ll find two 6,3mm input and two 6,3mm output sockets. These duplicate Input 1, Input 2, 
Output A and Output B, respectively. The 3,5mm sockets are prioritized– if something is patched in a 3,5mm socket, the 
6,3mm one is automatically disconnected.

The PATCH MATRIX has 256 possible patch points, each with three levels of attenuation, and it has a memory of 254 patches.


Push and hold the SHIFT button and push both PATTERN buttons simultaneously to access the configuration settings. There 
are four configuration options, each represented on the top four rows. Use the encoders to navigate a blinking patch point 
through the settings and push the left encoder to confirm a selection.

   The first row represents a MIDI channel for patch changes. The leftmost point (column A on the matrix) represents MIDI 

channel 1, column B – channel 2, etc.

   The second row sets randomization “density” – how many connections appear simultaneously when the Random mode is 

selected. A patch point in column A represents 5% density (~5% of all patch points are activated in the random patch), and 
each next column adds another 5% density. Column P represents 80% density. We think more density in a random patch 
doesn’t make sense.

   You might want to randomize a specific area of the matrix (X columns by Y rows), while another part of the matrix 

remains unaltered by randomization, therefore a user defined randomization area is implemented. The top left corner (patch 
point A1) is the reference point and the third row in the configuration settings sets the number of columns for  the 
randomization area.

   The fourth row sets the number of rows in the randomization area.


performance (the equivalent of making experimental sounds on the EMS 
Synthi by sticking a pin into the matrix and removing it) – navigate to the 
desired connection point, push and hold SHIFT and push either one of the 
encoders. While the encoder is pushed, the connection is active.


Push and hold the SHIFT button and push the right PATTERN button - the Matrix Mixer will generate a random patch based 
on randomization density and randomization area settings.


Once you are happy with the patch, push the SAVE button, and access the “saved patches” view. Use the X/Y encoders to 
navigate to a desired position and push either one of the encoders to save the patch. 


 Top left and bottom right 

positions (half dimmed) are reserved, and you can’t access them. If you change your mind, and do not want to save the 
patch, just push SAVE or SHIFT to exit to the patch building mode. The matrix automatically saves the last patch every 30” 
and after power cycling it will remember the last active patch.


Push the RECALL button to access the “saved patches” mode. Use the encoders to navigate to one of the saved patches and 
push either one of the encoders to recall it.


Push the SAVE button. Use the encoders to navigate to the patch you wish to delete. Push and hold RECALL for more than 5” 
and the LED with the patch name will turn off.


You can navigate through saved patches sequentially by pushing PATTERN buttons. This is particularly useful during 
performances, when you need to change patches instantly.


To change a patch via MIDI you need to send Program Change messages. Bank 1 Program 1 to 128 will change the patches 1 
to 128 and Bank 2 program 1 to 128 will change the patches from 128 to 254. For example, if you want to access patch 
number 1 you need to send a “Bank 1, Program 1” MIDI message and if you want to access patch number 300 you need to 
send a “Bank 2, Program 44” MIDI message. 


 Take note that the first patch is located in the 1-B slot and the last patch is 

located in the 16-O slot because the 1-A and 16-P slots are reserved for displaying when you are in the Patch Recall screen!


, navigate the matrix via the X and Y encoders 

and select a patch point. The left encoder allows you to make attenuated 
connections. Push the encoder to make a connection. The first push, 
makes a connection with a gain value of 1, the second – 0,7, the third – 
0,3, and the fourth turns the connection off, and so on. The right encoder 
makes a connection with a gain value of 1 and pushing it a second time 
turns the connection off – basically, it works as a shortcut.
