Trouble Shooting Questions
How do I know if my computers will
draw more than the allowed current?
Our testing indicated it won’t but you can
contact the computer manufacturer to learn
the draw of your computers or have a licensed
electrician measure the current draw if you
have concerns.
The unit sparks when I plug it into
the wall. Is it defective?
No. Make sure the control switch is in the off
position prior to plugging it in.
The 30 unit Cart appears to have
room for 32 computers. Can I add
two more computers?
No. The LTSC30 has 32 shelves but only 30
power receptacles. The bottom shelves can be
used for storage, but not for charging.
Someone tried to break into the
cart and damaged a door. Can it be
Yes, please contact Customer Care.
My computers didn’t charge
overnight. What is wrong?
Make sure the Cart is plugged in. Make sure
the control switch is pushed to the lower
position marked “Internal Power On”.
When I plug in the Cart it trips the circuit
breaker. What is wrong?
The Cart is designed to run on a 15 amp circuit. If
you have other equipment or appliances plugged into
the same circuit you may be overloading it. Have a
qualifi ed electrician check the circuit to make sure there
is adequate power available.
My Cart was damaged during shipment.
What should I do?
Please contact Customer Care.
I have a 30-unit cart; how do I know which
side is being charged?
Check the indicator lights to see where the power is
being directed. Indicator lights are located on the
outside left and right side panels.
I have a 30-unit cart; how do I know if both
sides of the cart are working correctly?
Watch the indicator lights to see if they light up during a
charging cycle.
How do I fi nd the cart’s serial number?
Position the cart so you’re standing in front of the doors
and the power cord is on the right. Open the door(s).
The serial number label is located on the base shelf in
front of you.
For local customer care phone numbers visit: http://contact.ergotron.com
For Service visit: www.ergotron.com
For Warranty visit: www.ergotron.com/warranty
© 2016 Ergotron, Inc. All rights reserved.
All trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Anthro is a registered trademark and brand of Ergotron Inc.
Anthro-DNA is a trademark of Ergotron Inc.
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Corporate Headquarters
St. Paul, MN USA
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