Other User Accounts
You can create multiple user accounts if you like (for example, if you have several people using the
same robot): click on “New” and enter the name of the user and password of your choice.
You can delete your user accounts or change them at any time: in the "User accounts" tab, select
"Delete" or "Edit” as desired.
If you are not 18 years or older, do not give this information to any third party without
authorization from your parents or guardians.
Good to know:
Spykee can only be controlled by one person at a time.
When you create user accounts for your friends or members of your family, you can take back
control of your robot anytime by using your administrator account.
If you’re going to be away for some time and Spykee is on his charging base, we suggest that you
delete the user accounts of others so that they cannot take control of your robot during your
Never give out your administrator account user and password information to others.
Robot configuration /
You must configure this tab so as to control Spykee in local mode with WiFi
access point (Intermediate
Note: This may require you to configure your WiFi access point.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with your robot in ad hoc local mode (Beginner Level)
before trying local mode with WiFi access point (Intermediate Level).
For more information, please see Chapter 3.3 “Various connection modes”.