For More Information:
General Machine Troubleshooting
(1) Provide Internet.
(2) Provide Auxiliary Power (W) to all Power Supply and/or Surge Protectors from an electrical source such as
standard everyday electrical outlets.
Note: Ensure the machine has the proper power allotted to perform under load. Check table 1, below for number of
fuses, amps, volt, etc configuration.
Table 1:
Auxiliary Electrical Requirements based on Power(W)=Amps(A)*Volts(V)
Product Name
Power Output
# Fuses
10 Amps
# Fuses
15 Amps
# Fuses
20 Amps
# Fuses
25 Amps
Little Era N1
2400 W
Little Era N3
4800 W
(3) Ensure all rocker switches on the surge protector(s) as well as power supply unit(s) have their respected rocker
switch depressed physically on the "I" setting.
(4) Connect to the machine either remotely (SSH login, VPN, etc) or non-remotely with a keyboard (USB),
mouse(USB), and television/monitor (HDMI)
(5) Download at https://www.erafarms.com/pages/drivers & Install/Update GPU libraries (Cuda Toolkit) for
compatibility with specific mining software desired to run.
(6) Download at https://www.erafarms.com/pages/mining-drivers & Install/Update software for Mining.
(7) Ensure all cabling on GPU's & GPU's PCI Risers & SSD is connected to the motherboard.
(8) Motherboard BIOS Update: pci-e [current setting] change to [gen1],[generation1]
*Microsoft Windows 10 Path Only: Control Panel Settings > System and Security > System > Advanced System
Properties > Performance Options/Settings > Advanced > Virtual Memory >
Change (1) Increase virtual memory to minimum of 16 GB by selecting custom size (initial, and maximum size)
General Communication Troubleshooting:
(1) Ensure pool port numbers (Ex: 7777) are forwarded at all times on local communication switches such as
Routers, Firewalls, etc.
General Pool Troubleshooting
(1) Ensure pool address and port number are properly formatted within mining software.
(2) Ensure wallet address, user, and password if necessary is properly formatted within mining software.