First, make sure that the filters are correctly installed in the unit. Remove the front panel by unscrewing
the two thumbscrews at the top of the panel and then grasping the knobs and sliding the panel top
outward and then upward until the bottom is free. Insure that the filters are all in place, and fully
seated. The bottom filter is the activated charcoal filter, the center is the particulate filter, and the large
metal filter on the top is the grease filter. The grease filter should be installed with the holes that are
punched in one side facing toward the bottom of the unit, over the grease channel. Holes in the frame
bottom divert the grease into a trough and to a container away from the fire danger area. Please note
that the removable grease drawer must be in place. Reinstall the front panel by reversing the removal
procedure. Plug the unit into an appropriate outlet, and flip the power switch, located on the right side
of the unit, to the on position. Unit is now ready to filter grease-laden vapors.
Filter Cleaning:
For moderate-use applications, run the grease filter through the dishwasher daily. For heavy use
applications, presoaking in a detergent solution prior to dishwasher cleaning is commended. The
electrostatic and carbon pleated filters are disposable.
DO NOT spray the unit with any cleaning liquid before unplugging it
DO NOT allow water to drip into the housing or around the electrical components
DO NOT immerse in water for cleaning