7. Couple the trailer and tow vehicle together. The
full trailer tongue weight should be resting on
the hitch.
8. Perform the second measurement in the same
place as the first measurement, and press
to take measurement “B”.
9. The measurement will be recorded, and you will
see two numbers on the right-hand side of the
screen. If you need to retake “Measurement B”,
once and repeat step 8.
10. Engage the weight distribution by placing the
spring arms on the L-brackets.
11. Perform the final measurement in the same place
as the first two measurements, and press
to record measurement “C”.
12. After taking all three measurements, the
OnTarget will calculate, as a percentage, the
current weight distribution achieved.
13. We recommend that your weight distribution
percentage is between 50—100%.
14. If the weight distribution is below 50%, raise the
L-brackets or add washers to the spacer rivet.
15. If the weight distribution is above 100%, lower
the L-brackets remove washers to the spacer