Quadro Manual II: Administrator's Guide
Extension User's Menus
QuadroFXO (SW Version 3.0.x)
addresses will apply the configuration of supplementary services
to all extensions or PSTN users.
Two digits should be inserted in the
Forward To
text field for the
PBX call type. The PSTN number length depends on the area
code and phone number.
When saving the unconditional call forwarding configuration, a
message will notify the user that Many Extension Ringing and
Call Hunting services have been disabled.
Fig. 3-15 Call Forwarding – Add Entry page
System Settings
System Settings
page provides read only information about the existing extensions and available FXO lines or ISDN trunks on the Quadro
depending on the active interface.
System Settings
displays the list of extensions, their
Display names, the SIP registration username and line
number (if attached), as well as the FXO lines state
and the destination to route incoming calls. For FXO
lines, allowed call types are displayed here.
Fig. 3-16 System Settings page