To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is intended to be operated indoors and
away from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment (or its transmit antenna) that is installed
outdoors is subject to licensing.
Parent topic:
PS3 Mode Fonts
Albertus, Albertus Italic, Albertus Light
AntiqueOlive Roman, AntiqueOlive Italic, AntiqueOlive Bold, AntiqueOlive Compact
Apple Chancery
ITC AvantGarde Gothic Book, ITC AvantGarde Gothic Book Oblique, ITC AvantGarde Gothic Demi,
ITC AvantGarde Gothic Demi Oblique
Bodoni, Bodoni Italic, Bodoni Bold, Bodoni Bold Italic, Bodoni Poster, Bodoni Poster Compressed
ITC Bookman Light, ITC Bookman Light Italic, ITC Bookman Demi, ITC Bookman Demi Italic
Clarendon, Clarendon Light, Clarendon Bold
CooperBlack, CooperBlack Italic
Copperplate Gothic 32BC , Copperplate Gothic 33BC
Courier, Courier Oblique, Courier Bold, Courier Bold Oblique
GillSans, GillSans Italic, GillSans Bold, GillSans Bold Italic, GillSansCondensed, GillSans Condensed
Bold, GillSans Light, GillSans Light Italic, GillSans Extra Bold
Eurostile, Eurostile Bold, Eurostile Extended Two, Eurostile Bold Extended Two
Goudy Oldstyle, Goudy Oldstyle Italic, Goudy Bold, Goudy BoldItalic, Goudy ExtraBold
Helvetica, Helvetica Oblique, Helvetica Bold, Helvetica Bold Oblique, Helvetica Condensed, Helvetica
Condensed Oblique, Helvetica Condensed Bold, Helvetica Condensed Bold Oblique, Helvetica
Narrow, Helvetica Narrow Oblique, Helvetica Narrow Bold, Helvetica Narrow Bold Oblique
Hoefler Text, Hoefler Text Italic, Hoefler Text Black, Hoefler Text Black Italic, Hoefler Text Ornaments