The size of the Epson Stylus
Pro 3800 is dramatically smaller
than any other A2+ Photo printer on the market. It neatly fits
on the desktop next to the computer.
Front view
Side view
Epson Stylus Pro 4800
Epson Stylus
Pro 4800
Epson Stylus Pro 3800
Epson Stylus Pro 3800
Mechanical background
The secret why Epson Stylus Pro 3800 is smaller than other A2+
size printers is the newly developed pressured ink cartridge.
Epson technology made possible this incredibly productive
printer that carries as many as nine cartridges in its compact body.
High capacity ink 80ml cartridge
An innovative ink system developed specifically for the Epson
Stylus Pro 3800 makes it ideal in environments where large
and/or unattended printing is a matter of course.
The newly developed pressurised ink cartridge design neatly fits
into the Epson Stylus Pro 3800, making it even more suitable for
environments where space is at a premium.
Intellidge ink cartridge system
Cartridges will automatically track key data points such as ink
levels, ink type and usage rates for production cost estimates.
For greatly increased productivity, you can replace ink cartridges
on-the-fly, even during the middle of a print run, with no loss in
image quality or production time.
Compact design with large ink cartridges