Step 4: Data Input
Digital Photo Print Guide
The Right Resolution for Output Size
In order to print photo data well, the data must have the right resolution for the print size. If the
resolution is too low for the print size, the image will not be printed crisply, and it will appear blurred.
Furthermore, if it is too high, the image will be printed crisply, but the large data size puts an
unnecessary burden on the computer. Resolution indicates the number of pixels within one inch. It is
shown as a dpi (dots per inch) or ppi (pixels per inch) value.
The relationship between image data resolution and print size
You can check the rough resolution to use for scanning and the data size for digital cameras in the table
below. Use this table to make image data the right size for printing your work.
An output resolution of 300 to 360 dpi is recommended, but the tolerance differs according to the viewing
conditions of the work. If you view the production from far away, a slight loss of detail is not a big
problem, but if you view the work close up, high-definition printing is required.
Also if the image is cropped, the resolution may not be enough for the print size. If you crop the image,
use the formula on the digital camera page to check whether the vertical and horizontal image size
(number of pixels) is appropriate.
The data volume is large, and printing simply takes longer. There will be no change if the print
quality is equivalent to green in the table.
Irrespective of the picture and viewing distance, the relevant image data will produce sufficiently
high-definition print quality (recommended).
Although image quality is very good, the image may lack detail depending on the picture and
viewing distance.
Although image quality is suitable for practical use, the image will lack detail depending on the
picture and viewing distance.
Print quality will be unsuitable for viewing.