The color settings allow you to modify the five color options:
Saturation, Red Strength, Green Strength, Blue Strength, and
Enable Ink Color Correction. (These settings cannot be changed
when Monochrome is selected in the Ink/Resolution setting.)
You can adjust the saturation (vividness of a color) using the
scroll bar. Negative saturation produces colors that are duller
than those produced with positive saturation.
Red/Green/Blue Strength
You can adjust the strength of each primary color (Red, Green,
and Blue) using the scroll bar. Experiment with these settings if
your printed colors do not appear as you expect and you
cannot change the colors with your software.
Try using your
settings before you change printer settings to
make color adjustments.
Enable Ink Color Correction
This setting takes into account the characteristics of the
Stylus COLOR printer when it determines the colors of ink
used to print the text or image. Printing with this option turned
off usually produces dull colors.
Printing with Windows