1. Overview
Seiko Epson Corporation
S5U1C17589T21 Manual
(Rev. 1.0)
1.1 Directions for Use
An S1C17589 software debugging and evaluation environment can be constructed with the procedure shown
<When performing software debugging>
(1) Using the exclusive cables supplied with the ICDmini, connect the 4-pin target interface connector on the
ICDmini (S5U1C17001H) and connector J6 on this board, and between the 4-pin Flash programming power
supply connector on the ICDmini and connector J7 on this board.
(2) Install jumpers to JP1 and JP2 that are used to measure current consumption if they have been removed.
(3) Supply power to the power supply connector headers (J5 and J8) on this board from the S5U1C17001H2
(ICDmini Ver. 2) or a stabilized power supply. The power supply voltage must be within the S1C17589
operating voltage range.
(4) Connect the ICDmini to the PC using the USB cable supplied with the ICDmini.
The DIP switches on the ICDmini (SW4 and SW5 to select the DSIO signal level) should be set to “Voltage input
from the target system.” If the S5U1C17001H2 (ICDmini Ver. 2) is used as the emulator and the flash
erasing/programming voltage is supplied from the ICDmini, set DIP SW8 on the ICDmini to configure the flash
programming voltage output to be enabled.
Figure 1.1.1 Connections for Software Debugging
For connecting
target system
For flash program-
ming power supply
USB cable
ICDmini (S5U1C17001H)
Use the power supply in the ICDmini
Ver. 2 or a stabilized power supply.
power supply
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ICDmini DIP switch
This board