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Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S5U13743P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual
Issue Date: 2007/08/15
Revision 1.0
4 Technical Description
4.1 Power
4.1.1 Power Requirements
The S5U13743P00C100 evaluation board requires an external regulated power supply
(3.3V / 0.5A). The power is supplied to the evaluation board through pin 34 of the H1
header, or pin 5 of the P2 header.
The green LED ‘3.3V Power’ is turned on when 3.3V power is applied to the board.
4.1.2 Voltage Regulators
The S5U13743P00C100 evaluation board has an on-board linear regulator to provide the
1.5V power required by the S1D13743 Mobile Graphics Engine. It also has a step-up
switching voltage regulator to generate adjustable 6~24V, which can be used to power the
LED backlight on some LCD panels.
4.1.3 S1D13743 Power
The S1D13743 Mobile Graphics Engine requires 1.5V and 1.65~3.6V power supplies.
1.5V power for COREVDD and PLLVDD is provided by an on-board linear voltage
IOVDD can be in the range of 1.65~3.6V. When JP4 is set to the 2-3 position, IOVDD is
connected to 3.3V. If a different voltage is required for IOVDD, set JP4 to the 1-2 position
and connect the external power supply to pin 32 of connector H1.
If the IOVDD voltage is less than 3.0V, an oscillator working at the selected IOVDD
voltage must be used.
PIOVDD is the power used by the LCD interface and can be in the range of 1.65~3.6V.
When JP6 is set to the 2-3 position, PIOVDD is connected to 3.3V. If a different voltage is
needed for PIOVDD because of the LCD panel requirements, set JP6 to the 1-2 position
and connect the external power supply to pin 8 of connector H4.