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With its own on-board Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)
hyper processor, the EPSON Perfection 2400 Photo processes
images without relying on the vagaries of available computer
processing power and RAM. This ensures scans are achieved
consistently and provides strong support for high volume workflow.
TWAIN Driver
Utilising EPSON’s new and unique TWAIN 5 scanner driver, scans
made with the Perfection 2400 Photo benefit from reduced noise in
shadow area and automatic removal of colour cast. This versatile and
better than ever driver provides full support for P.I.M. (PRINT Image
Matching), supporting photograph and film scans with colours more
vivid than those restricted to the traditional sRGB colour space. It also
supports Windows ICM colour management system for colour
matching between printers, monitors and scanners.
Film Scanning
High performance film and slide scanning is one of the many great
strengths of the EPSON Perfection 2400 Photo. Its integrated
Transparency Unit (TPU) and film holder ensures six-frame stripfilms
and four slide frames can be scanned in a single operation. For larger
film scanning – up to 4 x 5-inch – the Perfection 2400 Photo’s optional
TPU is a straightforward plug-in.
Software Suite
Software that enhances high quality scanning is par for the course
with the EPSON Perfection 2400 Photo. EPSON’s unique and feature-
rich EPSON Smart Panel is complemented by Photoshop Elements
for photo editing, Adobe Acrobat Reader and Presto!OCR, the
critically acclaimed optical character recognition software
(incorporated in Smart Panel). Combine this with EPSON Smart Panel
features such as Copy, Scan to PDF, Scan to File, Scan to PDA,
PhotoPrint, Scan to OCR, Web and E-mail and Scan to P.I.M.– and
the EPSON Perfection 2400 Photo is an easy-to-use and extremely
powerful one-stop total scanning solution.
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