Creating Special Labels
Creating Sequentially Numbered Labels
The number is automatically incremented each time a label
is printed. Up to four digits including numbers (0 to 9) and
alphabet letters (a to z and A to Z) can be entered.
1. Press
2. Enter the start value of the sequential numbers and
then press
In this example, we will enter "0001".
3. Select the number of repetition with
then press
In this example, we will select "2 times".
4. Press
5. Select "Print copies" with
and then press
6. Enter the number of print copies and then press
In this example, we will enter "6".
7. Select "Start print?" with
and then press
Printing starts.
Creating Labels with Block Sequence Numbers
You can assign sequential numbers to blocks.
Up to four digits including numbers (0 to 9) and alphabet
letters (a to z and A to Z) can be entered.
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Create the blocks in advance.
In this example, we have created three blocks.
1. Press
2. Enter the start value of the sequential numbers and
then press
In this example, we will enter "CN01".
Sequential numbers are automatically assigned to block
2 and block 3.
3. Select the number of repetition with
then press
In this example, we will select "1 time".
4. Press