Start EPSON Software Updater.
The screenshot is an example on Windows.
For Windows, select your printer, and then click
to check for the latest available applications.
Select the items you want to install or update, and then click the install button.
Do not turn off or unplug the printer until the update is complete; otherwise, the printer may malfunction.
You can download the latest applications from the Epson website.
If you use Windows Server operating systems, you cannot use EPSON Software Updater. Download the latest
applications from the Epson website.
Related Information
“Software Update Tools (EPSON Software Updater)” on page 91
“Uninstalling Applications” on page 93
Updating Applications and Firmware
You may be able to clear certain problems and improve or add functions by updating the applications and the
firmware. Make sure you use the latest version of the applications and firmware.
Make sure that the printer and the computer are connected, and the computer is connected to the internet.
User's Guide
Network Service and Software Information