Basic Information on Scanning
What is a "Scan"?
A "scan" is the process of converting the optical information of paper data such as documents into digital image
You can save scanned data as a digital image such as a JPEG or PDF.
You can then print the image, send it by email, and so on.
Scanning Uses
You can use scanning in a variety of ways to make your life more convenient.
By scanning a paper document and turning it into digital data, you can read it on a computer or a smart device.
By scanning tickets or flyers into digital data, you can dispose of the originals and reduce clutter.
By scanning important documents, you can back them up to cloud services or another storage medium, just in
case they get lost.
You can send the scanned photos or documents to friends by email.
By scanning hand-drawn illustrations and so on, you can share them on social media at a much higher quality
than by just taking a photo on your smart device.
By scanning your favorite pages from newspapers or magazines, you can save them and dispose of the originals.
Available Scanning Methods
You can use any of the following methods to scan using this printer.
Scanning to a Computer
There are two methods of scanning originals to a computer; scanning using the printer’s control panel, and
scanning from the computer.